I Love My Credit Union!

This Friday, 30th July we’re joining credit unions from all over the world to talk about why we love credit unions! 

‘I love my credit union’ is an amazing social media campaign organised by the Illinois Credit Union League in the USA, to raise awareness about credit unions and share stories about the amazing things they do! 

So, on Friday look out for the hashtag #ilovemycreditunion to hear about the amazing things credit unions all over the world have achieved. And if you can, it would be great if you could join the conversation too and share the reasons you love Penny Post on your favourite social media channels! Don’t forget to end your sentiment with #ilovemycreditunion. 

We know many members love Penny Post, and we love sharing their stories! Jim Skinner, a winner of our Refer-a-Colleague promotion, said he loves the “competitive return Penny Post offers on his savings”! Other members appreciate our help through difficult situations. Long-time member, Gillian Belcher, shared her experience earlier this year. “During the last year my brother sadly passed away and Penny Post helped us sort out the funeral costs. It was an awful time for the family, and it was so reassuring that we could access the funds needed to get us through this”.  Click here for more member stories in our Annual Report

Proud to be part of a worldwide movement 

Did you know there are 86,055 credit unions from 118 countries on 6 continents servicing more than 291 million members worldwide! Learn more about the worldwide credit union movement here, in our 25th Anniversary e-Book

Follow us on social media 

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post, and make sure you check out our Facebook and Twitter pages as we join credit unions around the world to share their #ilovemycreditunion stories this Friday, 30th July!