Being An Apprentice At Home

In August last year, we welcomed Penny Post Apprentice, Tanya Aspbury, to our Team. Who would have thought a pandemic would strike in the New Year, and so much would change in the months following? In line with government guidance, the Penny Post Team switched to remote working in March – a strange experience for the whole team. We ask Tanya to share some thoughts on being an ‘Apprentice at Home’.

“I am now 9 months into my customer service apprenticeship with Penny Post Credit Union, and I am also the secretary for the ABCUL West Midland’s Forum. I think it is safe to say that I have learned a lot, met some interesting people, and grown as a person. I have also had to learn how to cope with personal developments during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

A few adjustments to the usual apprenticeship learning curve include that I have had to work from home, cut my assessor visits and take more responsibility to ensure jobs are done correctly and on time. I myself haven’t liked the experience and dearly miss going into work as getting motivated is much easier in the workplace. When being at home I wake up jump on the computer and it feels like the whole day lasts a few hours! Before I know it, its time for bed again! Whilst you would think this is a good thing, it has been 10 weeks and I haven’t had much to do with the outside world within that time.

I understand that there are many people in the same situation as me if not worse. I know friends who have lost their jobs through the Coronavirus and it really makes me wonder what the future will look like. But I do know that I am safe on so many levels, and learning to develop my self-control – waiting for normality to return – whatever ‘normal’ will look like when we’re back to the new/usual routines of day to day work!

When not at work I’ve been helping renovate the house! We’ve converted our garage into a bedroom and even knocked down a wall, so I’ve basically become a part-time builder! On the positive side, I’ve enjoyed taking time out with my Nan.

I am so pleased at how I have been able to work as part of a good team within Penny Post Credit Union, and I look forward to continuing to help our members during these strange times, and beyond.”

Well done Tanya, and keep up the good work! At some point we will return to the office, but until then the Penny Post Team will continue to focus on supporting our members however we can.